The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has sparked renewed interest among Central Asia observers. Although countries in this region have officially maintained a stance of “neutrality,” the ramifications of the conflict on international relations within Central Asia are still debated and somewhat unclear.
This issue is explored in depth in the podcast “Chat in the Yurt,” featuring Dr. Aijan Sharshenova, the Executive Director of Crossroads Central Asia. The episode is co-hosted by Dr. Rashid Gabdulhakov, an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen and an EUCAM associate, along with Kamila Smagulova, a research fellow at PaperLab and also an EUCAM associate. The discussion delves into how Russia’s conflict with Ukraine is gradually influencing Central Asian policies toward both neighbours and key external partners, particularly Russia and the European Union (EU).
To listen to the insightful conversation, visit the EUCAM website here.